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First Contact
How do you connect first-time guests to the church body?
Currents Shaping My Church: War, Politics, and the Pulpit
How do you handle potentially explosive social issues when you know your congregation is not of one mind?
Before The Passion Fades
Readers respond to the debate over our "best outreach opportunity" ever.
What Is the Biggest Change Evangelical Seminaries Need to Make Right Now?
Three visions of the future.
Same-Sex Marriage: What Can I Say?
Four pastors discuss the pressures and opportunities of the current controversy.
Faith and Justice
What does the experience of black Christians before the Civil War have to say to American Christians (both black and white) today?
Leader's Insight: Kids and the Church's Dirty Laundry
How much should the family know about the ugly stuff at church?
Assessment Pack: Taking the Pulse of Your Church
It's not only important to know where the church is heading, but to know where your congregants think it's heading, too.
Currents Shaping My Church: Up and Comers
What characteristics do you look for in future leaders?
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